by 戴安娜 Diana | May 21, 2017 | blog
Free Vegetarian Meals Singapore As many would know, Singapore is one of the high-cost city to live in. Generally, each meal could easily cost $10 or more. Many poor people, in its midst, face the challenge of coping with soaring food prices and the high cost of...
by 戴安娜 Diana | May 6, 2017 | blog
Lemongrass Chicken Soup Lemongrass smell a bit of lemony. The health benefits for Lemongrass will promote digestion, reduces stress, detoxifies the body and controls the cholesterol levels. Lemongrass is, therefore, one of the common ingredients used for Jamu Massage...
by 戴安娜 Diana | Apr 11, 2017 | blog
Post Natal Hair Loss Our scalp hairs go through the cycles of growing and dropping phases. The average person loses around 100 hair a day. However, during the pregnancy, oestrogen levels increase and the growing cycle is prolonged; that is hair to remain in a growing...
by 戴安娜 Diana | Mar 12, 2017 | blog
Weight Loss After Delivery Weight Loss After Delivery In One Month To Pre-Pregnancy Stage Do you believe that, as long as there is proper confinement practice, the postnatal mother will be able to achieve targeted weight loss after delivery to restore to pre-pregnancy...