Chinese Confinement Food Singapore

Rich In Traditional Goodness


Chinese Confinement Food Singaporechinese confinement food Singapore

Basically, Chinese Confinement Food package in Singapore is all about the balanced diet; the balance of yin and yang aims to restore body energy. It is important to eat a variety of healthy food that contains food from all levels of the food pyramid.

Typically recommend the inclusion of TCM herbs, meat, plenty of fruits and vegetables. Its limit uncooked food (eg. salads) eaten as a meal, and avoid drinks that are colder than room temperature. Another area of Chinese confinement meal aims to stimulate breast milk. Breast milk can strengthen the baby’s digestion and enhance the immune system. The act of breastfeeding help to promote bonding between the mother and the baby.

Chinese Confinement In The Modern Era

Confinement period with its age-old customs is a very sensible idea. This is an ancient tradition dating back to the Xihan dynasty some 2000 years ago and widely practiced in Chinese community today. It is providing peace of mind for the new mother and enabling her to emerge refreshed for the long days and nights as she becomes the newborn’s carer.Chinese Confinement Food Singapore

Traditionally, the newborn mother will be expected to stay exclusively inside her home behind the closed doors during the confinement period (hence the ‘confinement’ reference). The period is lasted for one month, though some cultures observe this for up to 90 days. In Chinese, this period is known as 坐月(Zuo Yue) or 坐月子 (zuo yue zi), literally translating to ‘sitting-month’. You will also see ‘doing the month’ as another alternate translation. The newborn mother will be served like an Empress during this Confinement period.

Confinement is the distinctive lifestyle primary focuses on the presence of quality physical rest, appropriate exercises, emotional and practical support.  A modified diet with the correct use of Chinese Herbal Medicine and acupuncture to aid the new mother’s recovery from the physiological impacts of pregnancy and delivery. It is also to boost her health in this vulnerable period which in turn, also increases the well-being of the newborn.

Combination of modern and authentic traditional Chinese Confinement Food

Daily dishes include double-boiled soups, dishes of steam fish, stir-fried lean pork meat with ginger and moderate sesame oil, stir-fried sesame oil chicken, fish soup, double boil skinless chicken soup, spinach soup and other normal and healthy meals. Another best-known Chinese confinement Food Singapore dish is braised pig’s trotters with ginger in black vinegar. This dish is so nutritionally well-regarded, some restaurants occasionally offer it and males also partake of its goodness! Evidently, the trotters provide collagen, the ginger expels wind and the vinegar helps clean any toxins in the body, purifies the blood and makes the body strong. It tastes better than it sounds!

Chinese Confinement Food Singapore With A Balance Diet

Happy-mummy Chinese Confinement Food Singapore delivery takes place based on the concept of Ying and Yang balanced which was well-founded in Traditional Chinese Medicine also known as TCM principals from trained and qualified practitioners, combined with knowledge of the mother’s physiology from a Western Medicine’s perspective which provide a very effective body detox, blood cleansing ability and wind removal from the body.

Chinese Confinement Food Recipes

Our authentic confinement meal secret recipes come with well-balanced nourishing meals that are passed down from generations and well guarded by our management to ensure that it is relevant and suitable to the modern newborn mummy.

We choose only fresh and most effective ingredients together with the healthiest choice of cooking option. Our ingredients are specially chosen by our master chef and delivered daily in meeting strict food safety and hygiene standards guidelines by the authorities. All the processes from purchasing of ingredients, preparation and cooking of the confinement food are supplied daily from the reliable provider where records were properly managed and documented to ensure the highest level of quality.

The meals are delivered warm in modern tingkat that comes with Thermos Tub and Flask to keep food warm and delivered to the new mother at the right timing with no delay.